While checking out their website I found some beautiful words spoken about the traditional liturgy that I just had to share. :)
"As the Church teaches, the Liturgy is the Prayer of Christ. The Church is born from the Liturgy, as from the side of Christ pierced as He prays on the Cross and commends Himself to the Father for our Salvation as our High Priest. The Liturgy is the heart of our life as Christians, for it in Christ Our Head acts in and for His Body and Bride, the Church. The Mystery of God, into which we are incorporated by the Sacraments, is the living Source and absolute Summit of the life of each soul. All discipline, prayer, sacrifices, penance, study, and work exist for the sake of discovery and living reception of and saving transformation in the Mystery of Christ, to which we have real, efficacious access through the Sacraments and Liturgy of the Church.
The Carmelite life is oriented toward the reception and fruition of divine, eternal life, which is the Mystery of Christ in the soul. “To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). The Mystery of God given to us in Christ is the union of God and Man which Christ is in the unity of His Person. "Abide in me and I in you. He who eats my Flesh and drinks my Blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father Sent me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me will live because of Me!" (John 15:4; 6:56-57).
Through the Holy Sacrifice of our great High Priest and divine Head, we pass beyond the veil and enter Heaven, even while we remain on earth. Furthermore, we bear in our souls Heaven: the dwelling of the God who gives Himself to us in Christ and His Spirit as he draws us to Himself and His Glory. Henceforth we live by the life of God, in the eternal, infinite Love that unites the Father and Son and which is their Life and Glory. We receive that Life through the eternal Sacrifice of Christ perpetuated in the Mass. The Cross of Christ, through which this Life is given to fallen mankind, dead in its sin, is our glory, and we seek to reverently and devoutly celebrate that eternal Liturgy in Holy Mass and in the Divine Office and then live that Mystery in our souls in our prayer, study, work, and service...until the day we too finally pass through the veil of death and enter the Light of Christ's immortal Glory."
Check out their website to learn more about their beautiful charism and devotion to our Lord in the Eucharist! :)
"God Himself teaches us to go forth with our hand in His by means of the Church's liturgy." - Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
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