Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fumbling through the '62: "The Full Catholic Life of an Apostolate."

So life has been beyond crazy and while the hubby and I have had a million and one things that we can write on and would like to write on we have yet to finish one and post it. Until that free time comes (**Cross your fingers** jaja) I am going to try to post some articles that where published in a catholic magazine that we came across on the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter of which our parish is apart of. One of the articles I was surprised to see was written by our extremely humble and wise priest here... surprise, surprise he didn't tell anyone. jaja.

Anywhooo, here is one of the articles. I hope you read it with an open and prayerful heart. :)

(my additional comments are in red. Feel free to skip over them. jaja. :P )

The Full Catholic Life of an Apostolate. 
By Fr. Paul Jared McCambridge, FSSP

Among those of all ages and walks of life who choose to attend the Traditional Latin Mass, you will find some that always know and loved it. Some found it as a refuge from liturgical abuse they had experienced(X marks the spot for this girl), while still others sought it out as being an inherently beautiful and fitting form of worship (the reason I personally continue to attend).

Regardless, “traditional Catholicism” means far more than simply assisting at Mass in the ancient rite. Those who arrive at the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter often remark that they were attracted to the “full parish life” in our apostolates. While liturgy and the sacraments come foremost (<-- Beautifully awesome to see this lived out in a parish! Its not about the million and one groups that seems to be offered at many parishes which are great and all, but rather is about Christ Himself humbling Himself to be present in the Eucharist that should be the center of the parish life. All other things should permeate from that.), there is also a great deal more.

These Catholics want real distinction between “the world” and the environment in which they and their families lives. They seek to be among Catholics who are one, not just in belief, but in the way they manifest the Faith and live it daily. The traditional Liturgy provides a welcome antidote to the imagery and noise of modern media and “pop” culture through the ordered dignity of the ceremonies, the interplay of sacred music and silence, and the profundity of the prayers themselves. These foster the love of true beauty in art, music, and literature- and ultimately, the desire for all one’s life to be consistent with it.

In a culture contemptuous of the wisdom of the past, the apostolate provides a profound love and reverence for the Tradition of Faith. It deepens ones faith and spirituality by offering retreats and days of recollection, providing the fertile ground for one’s faith to grow, along with the hope and love of God. Members seeking to be ever more closely integrated into the Mystical Body of Christ form strong friendships within the community upon the solid foundation they hold in common.

While the modern world rejects the sanctity of human life and the ideas of marriage and the family as God created them, an apostolate of the Fraternity attracts those who cherish life and the traditional family. The presence of many large families within them testifies to this. The doctrinal and substantive preaching they hear from well-formed priest helps their families flourish in knowledge and love of God. (Check. I have heard some of the best homilies in my life at this parish. no fluff. no shying away from important things. Each homily you get catechized. Nothing watered down. Each homily building you closer and closer to a fuller knowledge of Christ and the faith of His church and then calling you out to put that faith into action. By the time it is time to receive our Lord I feel like I am fighting back tears with the love and awe that has been laid in my lap. Okay I'm ranting...sorryyy. :P)

However the initial attraction to the Traditional Latin Mass comes about, those who experience it regularly come to desire its spirituality to permeate their lives. The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter seeks to facilitate this integrity through its apostolates. 

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