Thursday, August 29, 2013

Good Read: "This is the plastic cup of my blood..."

07 August 2013
If this utter disrespect doesn't make you burst out in tears I don't know what would. :(

Click HERE for original link.

My own comments are in red


At the Mass in Brazil, this is how Holy Communion was distributed and in plastic cups. I wouldn't believe it without seeing it. Is there any wonder why there are significant numbers of Catholics who are not Pelagians but want to restore the proper sense of reverence at Mass and for the Sacred Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Crucified and Risen Lord in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar that was/is abundant in the EF Mass? 

As a seminarian, I distributed Holy Communion at Pope John Paul II's Mass on the Mall in Washington, DC. They gave us wooden salad bowls for us to hold and by the grace of God or "the Church supplies" theory, these hosts were consecrated by the Holy Father as we stood at least two football fields away from him. [Need to read more into this subject... Form and Matter... Is it valid? yes? maybe? no? anyone know FOR SURE let us know.]

I still have that salad bowl! I hope these Eucharistic Minister, ordinary and extraordinary, keep their plastic cups. [I hope they didn't just throw away the cups. Gah! It breaks my heart to think that pieces of our Lord would just be carelessly distributed like that and then thrown away in the trash! :,,,,(  ] "Then He took the plastic  cup...this is the plastic cup of my blood..." Oh my! If our ancestors even in the mid 1960's would have seen this as a glimpse into the future, reparation would have been demanded. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? 

I am a big advocate that WYD masses need to go back into the churches. I think that the pope should celebrate mass in the city's cathedral and it is first come, first serve and all the other churches in the city are "overflow" churches. Then they all celebrate the mass at the same time. Communion is found at the altar not just the same physical location. You would still be celebrating mass with the pope but in a more reverent and truly universal way. It would be eliminating so many of the disrespectful things that happen at the WYD mega-masses. It breaks my heart that we sacrifice respect/reverence and underlining Catholic theology for the sake of comfort and feelings. :(

If you are interested in attending WYD in poland with a group of youth that understand the reverence needed in the mass please let us know. 

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